Configuring Spots and Clusters using Thetis on a Mac


I’ve posted a few little guides on how to set up and use Thetis (Windows only) on a Mac with RUMlogNG (Mac only) and thought I’d add another little post to my Mac/Thetis series on how I configured and use Spots and DX Clusters with Thetis on my Mac etc. For my main logging app …more

Do we really have an epidemic of ‘lets ignore Foundation and Intermediate licensees’ in our hobby?


A few weekends ago, several friends and I, all members of our local amateur radio society, participated in the Pubs’n’Clubs on the Air event paying out of our own pockets camping/caravanning/travelling to-from a fantastic location 35 miles from our respective QTH’s. All-in-all we had a fantastic time with the weather bing typical for May on …more

Hints and Tips for Passing RSGB Amateur Radio Examinations


So… you are looking for or have your Amateur Radio Foundation call sign, and you’re wanting to book an RSGB Amateur Radio examination, or maybe you even have it booked, well here are a few sure-fire tips that whilst they won’t do the work and get that pass for you – that’s down to you, by following these simple hints and tips will …more

Easy Hermes Lite 2 PTT and a useful PSU Switch


So, you’ve taken delivery of your Hermes Lite 2, you have it connected and running perfectly, but after a few days operation you’re becoming increasingly frustrated in having to press the spacebar or to use VOX to Tx, and you could really do with a PTT foot-switch. On top of this when you’ve finished using …more

Thetis on MacOS: Considerations re Parallels Network Mode


If you want to run Thetis to control your Hermes Lite 2 or maybe even your Apache Labs Anan using your Mac computer, you will of course need to be running Windows, which on macOS requires either Parallels or Bootcamp. I’ve not used Bootcamp, so this blog will only cover items you may need to …more

HowTo: RUMlogNG TCI on Mac to THETIS TCI on Windows10


If, like me, you have a Hermes LIte 2, you run Thetis in a Windows VM using Parallels on a Mac, and you also use the excellent RUMlogNG as your rig control / logger, then this quick overview is for you. It’s pretty straightforward to get Thetis talking to RUMlogNG and RUMlogNG talking to Thetis, …more

A Guide to Hermes Lite 2 + Mac + Parallels + THETIS


Disclaimer: This document explains the process to get my Hermes Lite 2 working on my iMac using Windows 10 in a Virtual Machine with Parallels. Your settings will undoubtedly be different to those documented here, so please bear this in mind if you choose to follow or use this guide. Many thanks. Version 1.01 updated …more

New Radio sir…?Oh yes, a Hermes Lite 2 please!


Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on ones perspective, each of my long term hobbies comes with the ultimately expensive adage: ’one can never have too many ’nnn’s’ – where one substitutes ‘nnn’ for: in the case of Photography… lenses, in the case of making music… synthesisers, and of course in the case of amateur radio…radios! Presently, …more

New and Interesting Adventures for 2024 with Bunkers-on-the-Air


First times are often a mixture of things we either don’t wish to remember much about or conversely we certainly do, todays first was certainly the latter. The first for me today was a foray into what appears to be a current favourite amongst many UK amateur radio enthusiasts, that of Bunkers on the Air. …more