Do we really have an epidemic of ‘lets ignore Foundation and Intermediate licensees’ in our hobby?


A few weekends ago, several friends and I, all members of our local amateur radio society, participated in the Pubs’n’Clubs on the Air event paying out of our own pockets camping/caravanning/travelling to-from a fantastic location 35 miles from our respective QTH’s. All-in-all we had a fantastic time with the weather bing typical for May on …more

Hints and Tips for Passing RSGB Amateur Radio Examinations


So… you are looking for or have your Amateur Radio Foundation call sign, and you’re wanting to book an RSGB Amateur Radio examination, or maybe you even have it booked, well here are a few sure-fire tips that whilst they won’t do the work and get that pass for you – that’s down to you, by following these simple hints and tips will …more